What to pay attention to when wearing high heels

2021-07-19 管理员 Read 336

High-heeled shoes can keep women good posture and temperament, but there are also many precautions. Please remember that as long as the heels have high heels, they will not be comfortable when walking on the road. After all, high-heeled shoes can improve the shape of the legs, and they are also very beautiful.

1) High heels should not be worn every day. Women who need to walk for a long time may wish to prepare a pair of comfortable flat shoes in the office and wear them alternately with high heels to reduce local fatigue. After returning home from get off work, soak your feet in warm water for at least 5 minutes, strengthen your ankles and strengthen exercises every day, and do some foot relaxation exercises to help stretch your tendons.

2) Do not always wear high-heeled shoes of the same height at ordinary times, so as to avoid frequent squeezing of the same place on the foot.

3) When sitting upright, you should bend your feet first, and then gently stretch your legs. Maintain this posture for 30 minutes. Do not lift your legs to relax your feet.

4) When walking in high heels, you should hold your chest and abdomen, be natural and generous, and walk steadily. With the strength of your thighs, gently lift your thighs and drive your calves to step forward. It is not advisable to bend over and back, nor to walk or run, let alone climb uphill. When practicing, always pay attention to whether the center of gravity is maintained in the middle of the legs when the upper body is striding out. The peculiar sound produced by letting the high heels touch the ground is bright and pleasant, and becomes a necessary part of the beauty when it comes. It is a pleasure to even appreciate it by yourself.

5) Pay more attention to the maintenance of your feet, develop the habit of soaking your feet in hot water, and give them a proper massage. When walking in high heels, you should pay attention to constant rest. When resting, you can lift your toes and move your calves.